Begin 1:45 am CST
The following is Part II of a Power Point presentation originally outlined on June 5 and compiled in its present form on July 30, 2019.
I know that some people actually get PAID to create presentations like these and then "consult" with agencies and others to provide training. One might think that as a "consumer" as well as someone who credibly worked in Compliance for a Behavioral Health Network in a major metropolitan area that ALSO is reputed to be a standard-setter when it comes to "mental health treatment" that I would qualify. But I seem to fit a certain demographic that has an inordinate burden of proof. I believe the point has been proven.
I do still contend I qualify as a whistleblower and to date not one government agency has met the deadline for response to qualify for the surety on their bonding or to assist me as a co-litigant.
Consider this a close-out report notice on exercising the latter as an option.
1:51 am CST
Aug. 22, 2019