Budget Area Priorities Update
As of July 11, 2023
9:06 am CST
It has become apparent that the concerns that were first present in April of 2020 have come to bear. In April of 2020, the U.S. Congress was discussing terms for what they had identified as “COVID-19 Relief.” After several proposals that were not passed, Congress did pass a COVID 19 Relief package that was set to go into effect on April 15, 2020. April 15 is the date annually that the White House sends its budget priorities for the upcoming year to Congress. Congress then has until July 15 to review and respond to the White House and the White House then has until August 15 to get its final revisions in time for the resolution of the appropriations process.
On April 16, 2020 there was a controversy that was presented to the media in regards to a letter that President Donald Trump distributed with the COVID-19 relief “checks.” Some people, such as myself, did not get a “check” in the mail but rather did receive an electronic deposit connected to the account that was on file with the IRS to pay taxes. This is important – the electronic accounts to which the COVID-19 Relief deposited were to accounts on file with the IRS for tax filing and tax returns. But I DID receive an envelope with a copy of the letter within a short few days of the announcement. It was dated for April 15, 2020.
By July of 2020, I contend that there was evidence that Congress had subverted the formal appropriations process by imposing their budget priorities in the form of “COVID-19 relief” and by July of 2020 Congress had instead engaged in actions that violated their responsibilities under the Constitution to the appropriations process, and may well have violated the Constitution in other manners. Among the Constitutional violations at the time were the “tabling” of a bill through June that was supposed to be connected to “student loan forgiveness” that made an appearance in September of 2020 in the form of a “blue sheet” backing the electronic version of the bill on Congress.gov for several days. This timeframe corresponded with announcements of foreign national banking and economic activity that should justifiably raised alarms – public alarms – about what Congress’ intentions were in allowing for such to have occurred with that specific bill. In addition, in July of 2020 official electronic records of various federal agencies – including the Office of Comptroller of Currency and the Congressional Research Service – began to present information as if it were valid that was not the same as it had previously been published. The information that was being presented – specific to economic activity in the U.S., including a major focus on the mortgage and gas and oil sectors – was substantially different, in fact even inverse to, what had been earlier reported, including in and via the same reports allegedly available electronically at the time. Most notable was how “assets” that were previously characterized in a certain manner had been “distressed” or recharacterized to be in some form of “debt” that had not been what had been reported in the same courses – and even in the same reports – prior to July of 2020.
At the end of August of 2020, an announcement was made by members of the U.S. Senate that President Donald Trump had declassified information that had been classified as part of the “Russia Probe.” No actual specific information of such a sort was reported, and I contend that if what was meant was that the “backdating” was supposed to be what had been “classified” then what both the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate allowed to occur are crimes that are not covered by the privileges and immunities of the Constitution. Counterfeiting or creating forgeries of official government records is not authorized under the Constitution. As of the passage of the Electronic Records Act, such electronic records – including information presented on or through Congress.gov – are the official records of the U.S. government. They are not authorized for use in speculation or short-term hedging. They are not “intelligence.” Tampering with them – including insofar as they are used in acts of money laundering, including money laundering connected to crimes that may include those legally identified as terrorism – is treasonous.
I understand that in this timeframe, that my original “budget” and its manner of presentation were “hijacked” and in the interim used for substantial crimes. I contend this was done in an effort to extort me. Any efforts to accord this as some sort of “background check” or “security check” have failed to consider the implications of the Executive Orders regarding “background checks” that were already budgeted to be challenged for their Constitutionality and the manner in which alleged “medical treatment” and its intersection with financial crimes have also been budgeted. Today is four days before the Congress would need to respond to my budget priorities. Insofar as they “hijacked it” then I will respond.
I have not authorized you to land at any airport and you are about to run out of gas.
I will be maintaining my priorities with one addition. At this time the situation regarding what was Identified in earlier administrations as the USMCA have become critical. Concerns over its predecessor – NAFTA – and the correlating CAFTA are outstanding until this time. The protests against the implementation of NAFTA and other concurrent protests regarding larger global organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF and the World Trade Organization are still outstanding. Crucial in these matters are two major areas that have not been appropriately attended to in the intervening years: 1) the role of “trusts” in managing national resources, including insofar as they may consider themselves eligible as “equity owners” or “equity investors,” and 2) the role of agrarian reform in contradistinction to agricultural reform.
This year is the 37th year after the Iran-Contra hearings in the U.S. – it is also the 38th year of a 40-year outlay regarding the American military pension system. I have already budgeted for and accounted for what is necessary as pertains to the U.S. military pension system, however, we have another major concern – that is both domestic and international – that has provided a challenge to its successful capacity for fulfillment. I contend this has to do with abuse of the Food and Drug Administration when it comes to its roles regarding not only addressing matters pertaining to food quality and food provision, but also pharmaceuticals. These matters are significant in their scope and will need to be addressed on many fronts. I contend they are national security matters, but not such that they should permit for a denial of or violation of the constitution, as, I contend, their abuses thus far have committed. The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill – while the USMCA was being considered and following what was supposed to be an open public comment period regarding proposed changes to NAFTA that was to have occurred in the summer of 2017 – has been a serious policy and Constitutional concern. Investments in sectors that were disproportionately buttressed by its implementation have put an inordinate strain on resources necessary for other sectors, including sectors that for decades have been neglected or have been involved with evasion of implementation of regulatory or legal requirements impacting the environment, health, economy, and justice for people both urban and rural. This is not only in the United States, as the nature of the impacts on the requisite sectors involve international or transnational agreements that effect both considerations of access as well as taxation. Considerations of what are legal narcotics or are available as medicine also have to be addressed in connection with the abuse of derivative agreements and other errant financial policies that exploit people’s capacities the same as they exploit the Earth’s. The last few years of implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill has already demonstrated its errant course when it comes to natural resource management and the social costs it bears out are too high. This also needs to be evaluated relative to the manners in which the energy sector intersects with the healthcare sector and how we allow for “biomedicine” or other areas that we have been permitting to be considered “health care matters” to impact economic and security policy.
It is essential to remember that the land we have in the United States was not land that we allowed for our country to define as provided to us by divine right or by virtue of the favor of a King. We had to fight for it. We had to fight people who were already here; we had to fight other people who came here; we had to fight in accordance with understanding we had also brought people here – at times against their wills – and that in order to obtain the people we brought here against their wills, we had to have agreed to make alliances with people who would assist in acquiring them to make them available for us to bring here against their wills. That is not to say that upon our arrival – however we arrived – we did not find people who knew how to love, to grow, to nurture, and to celebrate. But it is disrespectful to forget what and how we came to be. We cannot allow for ourselves to invert the paradigm of racism or ethnic genocide that also defines our histories. We need to remember that we have ALWAYS had resistance to slavery, we have always had resistance to the “liquidation” of indigenous peoples, and we have always had resistance to the sexual subordination of women. There is no corruption of blood in the United States. We have a right to change our minds. And, we have a duty to uphold the Constitution and the laws that comport with it. We even have the right to change the Constitution if need be.
I may be willing to make a port available for you to land. I can also change my mind.
As I understand it, the deadline will be 10 am on July 15, 2023.
9:43 am CST
July 11, 2023
Charity Colleen Crouse
3:56 pm CST / July 11, 2023 [Review finished at 3:22 pm CST]
Addition :
As of this morning, what was discussed:
The “Raytheon” evidence discusses a four-year term arrangement, with an option to “execute” each year.
This corresponds with the second anniversary on a 40-year outlay process regarding congressionally authorized changes to the military pension system that was already understood upon its passage to not include projected revenue for the last five of the 40 years.
We are now in the 38th to 39th year of this process.
Additionally, I contend that the[y] four-year process outlined was part of what was identifiable in a Bush-era Executive Order regarding how to address Biological and Chemical Weapons that has since been modified, but publicly acknowledged as so modified under fraudulent pretenses. This includes a modification that was presented on the White House website in November of 2018, but was altered to exclude the public reporting of this Executive Order and to instead later present as a modification to this Executive Order alleged to have been authorized in 2019, but in a manner different from the modification presented in November of 2018.
I contacted BOTH Texas Senators at the time of the public presentation of the modification to the Executive Order of concern in November 2018. At that time, there were also two of a number of incidents wherein actions taken by Texas representatives (including state and federal) directly correlated with announcements of a 15:1 scheme regarding casualties/deaths in Palestine ([S]pecifically Gaza) that occurred concurrently. One such incident occurred concurrent to a visit by then-President Donald Trump to the U.S. Mexico border via Texas that was attended and photographed with BOTH “Texas Senators” at the border onsite with him. At that time there was an announcement that an action in Gaza had resulted in the death of a woman and the wounding of 15 persons.
This is what you need to know today.
10:11 am CST
Oct. 11, 2023
President Charity Colleen Crouse
The matters pertaining to the charges concerning the State of Texas and the Supreme Court of the United States insofar as the jurisdiction for matters undertaken in Texas is concerned will be addressed at the appropriate time.
Please recall what the verdict was on June 14, 2023.
[Because you needed a reminder. Correct?
Don't forget the parachutes...and I am not talking about the red umbrella...
1:02 pm CST
Nov. 3, 2023
President Charity Colleen Crouse]
[10:29 am CST on Oct. 11, 2023]