I have just reviewed what is purported to be the 2024 Budget Priorities from the White House. I have reviewed the section of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation.
This is just what I saw in 2008 regarding the 2009 Appropriations Act that was still pending during the 2008 election.
Of specific concern at this time is what did NOT happen with appropriations for cross-border cooperation regarding narcotics interdiction as well as interdepartment cooperation regarding destruction of chemical weapons.
Instead, what I see is the five-year pay-off on pension speculation presented via the Chicago Pension Systems report of March 24, 2010 for 2019 “delivery” that was intended to “post” later.
This budget proposes to reward infiltration of the government with “pay equity.”
That is without considering the implications of what occurred in 2018 regarding the legislative authorization for federal employees pay and benefits.
This budget proposal confirms my allegations that COVID-19 was – in great part – an act of coordinated terrorism based upon speculation regarding the 100th anniversary of the negotiations for “transit workers” in New York City with General Electric.
No one was permitted to “flip” trafficking women and children for 15 years to set up a new round of trafficking SOMEONE ELSE’S women and children.
This was what was accused regarding the rider on the original proposal of the DREAM Act specific to “transportation security” upgrades regarding “border security” at various “ports of entry” to the United States. This also confirms my allegations of the intentional default on a global initiative concerning the Megaport project after various countries – including China and other countries of Asia – fulfilled their obligations under the Megaport Project.
The crimes involving Customs and Border Patrol in connection with Customs Brokers Exams throughout 2020 are also confirmed in what was proposed.
The budget proposals also confirm that 1993 provided a context for outlays under the guise of “federal student loans” that were used to retaliate against individuals that did not buy in with crime to a predetermined paradigm of “political loyalties” that violated the constitution.
Does this proposed budget “budget” for acts of prostitution?
I contend based on what I have seen it does, and not only that, it budgets on prostitution of and involving minors.
This is completely unconstitutional and unconscionable.
If there was permitted to be a passage of a Defense Appropriations Act for 2024 that supports the DHS and DOT objectives as outlined in this proposed budget, then I stand behind my decision.
This is not just 2 times in ten years.
4:48 pm CST
Aug. 18, 2023
President Charity Colleen Crouse
Get the Sergeant at Arms to the Capitol building.
Get the Marshals to take the person and departments that permitted for this to be submitted to Congress under arrest immediately.