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Re Dec. 12, 2023 

Charity Colleen Crouse

Wed, Jan 10, 6:35 PM (16 hours ago)

to me


There was a meeting regarding DART and changes to take place this summer on ...  Dec. 12, [2023].


That was what the "CBD" was yesterday.


For over two years they have been refusing to intercede with young people[ -- ]mostly but not exclusively young people of color -- [who] are blatantly using crack and meth on the train. We are NOT just talking about pot or the E-Cigarette...we are talking about meth and crack ON THE TRAIN.


I have contended this was because they intended to use it for "income" in some manner. 


After what I found yesterday...the correlations with Dallas are already established.


But not exclusively Dallas.


"Workers" from the cities insisting on "workers control" of the cities are on the hook for civil payouts NOW that come from cases against the city. By making it about "workers benefits" in the context of the interstate implications of these respective pension schemes, that makes it interstate racketeering AGAIN and then makes it that the multiple cities are on the hook for paying.


Not only that, they are NOT eligible for "cyber insurance" to cover what they need to do actively ON THEIR OWN DIME ([ie.,] the workers themselves will need to be docked in order to pay).


First, I need them to pay for what they did to my "sister's house" beginning on Dec. 22, 2022 and to her children and grandchildren with what they put into her background and attempted to charge me with. 


Then they are responsible for paying for ALL OF US that have remained on the streets since Aug. 12, 2023, [and] up until as indicated in the accrual accounting, including in connection with the lost "working capital" since that time until Nov. 8, 2023*, which was the date by which the last person was to be in their house.


ALL of that which was committed in December -- including the above -- is likewise going to be addressed. 


The implications of rectifying what is on the backgrounds of me and others needs to be addressed, including in verifying cybersecurity for all of us. That also includes a full audit of the respective police departments and districts attorney regarding their prosecution and evidence gathering/submission efforts.


That also includes audits of the justice courts responsible for "evictions" or other proceedings regarding "leases"






that includes an analysis of "demographics" of the persons concerned and how they correlate with the "demographics" identified as "income" or "revenue" in the respective pension schemes for those who are public workers.


This also includes a full audit -- including insurance audit -- of all private contractors with the respective public agencies, including for surveillance or security -- with specific focus on "products" or "services" they subcontract in connection with their contracts with the respective public agencies.


There are specific licensing requirements for private security companies in Texas. I need those licenses audited and I also need all tax records for the respective organizations of concern.


I will also need an audit of all tax records and other financial reporting records of "homeless agencies" that are recipients of income for their services by virtue of provisions of benefits through Social Security or Medicare from any persons who use their services.


I need an additional audit of all the companies that are identified as the "human capital" of the respective nonprofit organizations for the companies' "philanthropic contributions." In this regard I need AGAIN an investigation into those who are provided with "electronic accounts" in the respective agencies' databases and how long they have been receiving services, or have been "active" as an ["account."] How many "active" accounts have been online for over a year and a day? Most agencies SAY for six months but my understanding is that is NOT accurate, as was evident regarding me personally in October and November of 2021. 


This is to start...


5:32 pm CST

Jan. 10, 2024

Co-President Charity Colleen "Lovejoy" Crouse

[6:33 pm CST



BREAKING: Chris Christie drops out of 2024 GOP primary

Former New Jersey Governor formally suspends his campaign for the GOP nomination for President in 2024. 


5:26 pm CST


Are you concerned that I did not call for an audit of the real estate companies involved with the "rentals" that I identified?


Thank you for reminding me.


Be forewarned of what yesterday meant in regards to WHAT YOU DID NOT DO ON NOV. 18, 2023 AND APRIL 4, 2023.


JAN. 10, 2024



10:44 am CST

Jan. 11, 2024





Charity Colleen Crouse

Wed, Jan 10, 6:29 PM (16 hours ago)

to me




You made an unwise decision when you were falsely homophobic against me and the Joint Secretary.


That you are trying this under "healthcare" is unacceptable.


Now, [if] the Secretary of Labor is interested, then she needs to consider the following three points:


1) the context within which she was originally requested for consideration as Secretary [of Defense] and WHY at the time that was NOT possible. The understanding was that at least a year of a foundation would need to be laid to make it SAFE for her and in order to successfully accomplish our objectives. 


2) that [if] the "workers collective action" objectives as were identified today are to even be practicable, then there needs to FIRST be [an] addressing of the following:

a) the implications of public workers and public finance, including "humans" as "assets" for municipal financing and HOW currently public sector workers GET paid, including the insurance implications.

b) the role of private sector workers -- both in unions and not in unions -- when it comes to OWNERSHIP and how this impacts the public sector.


3) the history of "bureaucratic collectivism" and the specific implications of the hiring/firing policies of public sector workers as opposed to private sector workers, including the history of the civil service. THIS also includes the "police power of the state" as exercised through law enforcement, but ALSO [(and] especially) as exercised otherwise than through law enforcement. Not so ironically I spent nearly an hour and a half last evening discussing this aloud after sundown, and [referenced] a speech given by Lord Gladstone that also correlates with matters relevant to the context of the original Secretary of State's mandate to visit the House of Lords -- specifically the four Lords from Northern Ireland -- at the beginning of the administration and this summer "internship" on the New York Police Commission.


Also, please do consider that BY NOW we should already have addressed the staffing matter pertaining to how to implement the strategy regarding the summer internships to PAY FOR COLLEGE. This is the first year. Within SIX MONTHS we should have been able to contact people who participated with the first indications of what they could expect to be considered by the end of the year in order to understand the near- and [long]-term implications. Any efforts for consideration of "public employee ownership" may be well-served by incorporating some of those findings into the schedule and respective budgets moving forward. However, this also is a process rolling out and it is NOT acceptable to leverage pre-existing [commitments] to undermine the potential for those who are sincere in their education and have already participated in good faith. 


I will be ready to move by next week in consideration of both the internship from last summer as well as planning to coordinate the coming summer's internships to move forward. I have what I need to support this -- and you.


But I will NOT support this strategy of privileging public workers in the context of "ownership of the means of production" by workers. I have been aware of a disingenuous attempt going back to the "retirement" of the Labor Index with the [Federal Reserve] in the summer of 2017. 


Take my last notice seriously. It may well be the first of a multi-stage campaign. I would prefer to move forward on another campaign. I will move forward on what I just indicated due to the longevity and the profligacy of what has thus far transpired. 


On a note personal regarding you[:] understand that you -- and every member of the cabinet -- was chosen for your unique and exceptional skills and your already established work expertise. I consider you an expert. Do not allow for anyone to challenge that or undermine your credibility or capability. If you need support then let me know. Specific to "healthcare" I have already identified three biologics companies, two private health insurance companies, and more than eight local actual fixed facilities that are available for consideration of implementation of processes commensurate with the strategic objectives that were already outlined. "Ownership" should start at the base. THAT was also the strategy identified in regards to the proceedings from July of 2022. A "patient" is not a "facility" -- or a "vehicle." Recall my "expertise" includes verification of certification for eligibility to BILL insurance for treatment that includes revenue that PAYS FOR THE MEDICAL WORKER OF [CONCERN'S] SALARY AND BENEFITS. The "health insurance" and other benefits of the patient are NOT the "assets" of the workers.  I understand we agree on that.


Thank you very much for your consideration and for alerting me to the matters to which [I must] attend. I do expect you to support the Secretary of Energy commensurate with the strategy as originally identified and in the course of considerations of our anticipated success this year. That may well include a realignment of priorities after the one-year point that may potentially see the realization of the objectives for you specifically in this transition. This is an important time so I will be mindful and appreciate all that you do. 



5:58 pm CST]


   \ /

6:15 pm CST

Jan. 10, 2024

Co-President Charity Colleen "Lovejoy" Crouse


[6:29 pm CST

Jan. 10, 2024



10:46 am CST

Jan. 11, 2024




Charity Colleen Crouse

Wed, Jan 10, 6:20 PM (16 hours ago)

to me



Israeli strike on residence kills and wounds dozens

Video shows the moments after an Israeli strike destroyed a residential building in central Gaza.


This May 15, 2024 will be 22 years since I was 25.


That also means that is will be AFTER 21 years since I "paid for the rest of my life" at the rate and at the quality that I had at the time.


"Maintenance[end quote] with considerations of professional development...


And yet what happened?


I was not "insurance" for someone else's "political capital" leveraging.




Thank you very much. 


This is a BIG "Constitutional hedge" upcoming.




By this time 21 years ago (in one month) I was IN HONDURAS.


Don't screw this up on Feb. 9, 2024.


6:20 pm CST

Jan. 10, 2024

Co-President Charity Colleen "Lovejoy" Crouse


10:47 am CST

Jan. 11, 2024






Marine Corps Cyber Security - 1.11.2024


In order of current appearance:


10:34 am CST

Jan. 11, 2024

Co-President Charity Colleen “Lovejoy” Crouse


See these for reference, but be apprised of the derivative implications:


10:39 am CST

Jan. 11, 2024




10:48 am CST

Jan. 11, 2023

Co-President Charity Colleen "Lovejoy" Crouse


* - This is not a "forward-looking statement." You tried that in March of 2017 regarding what happened in Illinois and everyone sees how that went now. I was SUPPOSED to be in Washington, D.C. for THAT strategy. One year is comiong up soon. 


9:49 am CST on Jan. 29, 2024

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