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Not Just Business As Usual



The goal of this project is to develop a public health education plan that involves the manufacture and production of organic, natural insect repellent and other beauty and hygiene products.

Navigating in Woods


The goal of this project is to prepare young leaders for responsible civic participation by learning, engaging and applying the law and legal precepts as they engage technology to develop a legal app for mobile devices.

Water Droplets


The goal of this project is to develop an app that offers real-time data concerning water issues relative to a particular area and to provide a database of information for use in various funding models, specifically assisting with the funding of fire department operations and pension funds.

Filament Bulb


The goal of this project is to develop a new cell phone technology/device that reduces, if not completely eradicates, the emission of microwaves and ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) for the user. This phone additionally would assure the user’s privacy and bio-physical/aetheric integrity with permission options regarding forms of contact and timeframes for availability.




The following three projects can also be used in conjunction with each other as well as other projects concerning the development of municipal biowaste disposal, remediation and recycling efforts and can provide a whole system approach to addressing issues of waste disposal and water quality, maintenance and conservation.

The goal of this project is to develop and utilize mycelium networks for mycoremediation efforts to detoxify, decontaminate and reclaim land. This project also involves providing a means by which to create ready made mycroremediation products that can be use din the event of an environmental incident. While appropriate prevention and readiness for an incident should be a goal of any industrial center or other areas where toxic materials may be involved, it is also important to have natural remediation effort available for deployment to address both short- and long-term environmental issues.

The goals of this plan are to develop sites specifically along major highways or at major intermodals for the creation and distribution of biofuel. The primary intended source for this biofuel will be provided through networks with local restaurants that have need to dispose of materials that are easily converted to biofuel per already established and acknowledged processes. It also entails coordination with sites at which correlative mycoremediation efforts are ongoing to develop more comprehensive bioremediation and mycoremediation efforts.

I propose to begin organizing to get at least three cities/town in North Texas to agree to implement a compost toilet system in select residences. This is an effort that is already underway in other countries and one that I support. There are proposals I have comprised for multi-unit buildings, as well as more rural stand-alone residences, that would entail reducing the amount of water consumed onsite regarding use for disposal of human waste and instead investing in a fully containable compost toilet system.

Close Up of Corn Field
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